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Words in EwD - Didactic Groups

🚧 Work in progress: Being updated from EwD v3.3 to EwD v4.


This document is a comprehensive resource designed to illustrate the application of diacritical marks in English according to the EwD system. This document provides several lists of words organized under didactic categories and EwD levels, showcasing how diacritics can aid in pronunciation learning and lexical understanding.

Pronunciation Rules

We encourage beginners to briefly take a look in the words from this page to get a feel of the EwD system and how it manages to solve many pronunciation ambiguities in an elegant manner. But before reading longer contents in EwD such as texts and lyrics, or even delving deeper in the words from here, we recommend consulting the English Pronunciation Rules. This document outlines the pronunciation rules that learners should follow in order to correctly read English words within the EwD system.

EwD Levels

EwD introduces a tiered learning system, structured into three levels, with the aim to gradually guide learners through the aspects of English pronunciation. Level 1 (L1) applies a moderate amount of diacritics, trying to reach a balance between phonetic clarity and not overwhelming beginners with too much diacritics or rules. The subsequent levels (L2 and L3) then gradually remove diacritics by introducing additional rules that make some no longer necessary. This results in L3 having a minimum amount of diacritics, thus preparing learners to transitioning from EwD-guided reading to independent English reading, which is the ultimate goal of EwD approach.

L1+ spellings

L1+ is the most phonetic presentation of the EwD system. It is not a standalone level, but a more detailed variant of the L1 level, applying additional diacritics for showing phonetic nuances* that plain L1 spellings ignore for the sake of simplicity and beginner-friendliness. Please note that, while these traits are not as crucial for comprehension than the ones already covered in L1, it's also important to assimilate them in order to achieve a solid English fluency, but this can be left to a more advanced stage of the learning process.

* These are mainly unstressed vowel nuances, but a few stressed vowel and consonantal nuances are also reserved for L1+.


NOTE: For information on the notations used, hover over (or click on) each element. You can also refer to the Appendix section for the complete list of these notations and additional explanations.

Didactic Combos [D‍C]

Note 1 | Note 2

D-less EwD (v4) tags
though thōugh
thought tho̍ught ? t‍̤ho̍ught
through thröugh ? t‍̤hröugh
throughout thröugh꞉out ? t‍̤hröugh꞉out
thorough thôro̱ugh ? t‍̤hôro̱ugh
tough to᷍ug̈h
enough eno᷍ug̈h ? GA: (ẹ/e̱/e̬)no᷍ug̈h
GB: ẹno᷍ug̈h
chough cho᷍ug̈h
cough co̍ug̈h / cŏug̈h {GA/GB}
bough bough
laugh lăug̈h
laughter lăug̈hter ? lăug̈hte͜r
woman woman ? w‹o͝o›ma̬n [Eap](o=‹o͝o›)
women wȯmẹn
value vălue ? vălue̥
valor valor ? valo͜r
heard he͡ard
heart he̥art
hearth he̥arth
done dône
none nône
gone gŏne
lone lone
one one ? ‹wun› [Eap](one=‹wun›)
one one ? ‹wun› [Eap](one=‹wun›)
once ‹wun›ce ? once [Eap](on=‹wun›)
only ōnly
oven ôven ? ôve̬n
over over ? ove͜r
cover côver ? côve͜r
danger danger ? dānge͜r
anger ang̩er ? ang̩e͜r
friend fri̥end
fiend fiend
circuit circụit ? cı͡rcụi̥t
pursuit pursuit ? pu͜rsui̥t
real rea̬l ? rea̬l, real
realism rea̬lism ? rea̬lism̬
realistic rea̬listic ? rea̬lĭstic
reality reălity ? reălity
realize rea̬lize
realm rĕalm
base bas̩e
basement bas̩ement ? bas̩e̥me̬nt
true true ? true̥
truth trūth
effect effĕct ? (ẹ/e̬)ffĕct
electric elĕctric ? (ẹ/e̬)lĕctric
expect expĕct ? (ẹ/e̯)xpĕct
nature nature ? natū͜re
mature matūre ? ma̬tūre
beloved belôvẹd ? bẹlôvẹd
naked nakẹd
ragged raggẹd
desert (Et2) dĕsert ? dĕse͜rt
desert (Et1,Et3) dese͡rt ? dẹse͡rt [Hph]{dessert}
dessert des᷼se͡rt ? dẹs᷼se͡rt //
dialog dialog ? dia̬lo̯g [AS]
dialogue dialo̯gue ? dia̬lo̯gue [BS]
finite fini̱te
infinite ĭnf‌ini̯te ? ĭnf‌i̬ni̯te
infinity infĭnity
possess pos᷼sĕss ? po̬s᷼sĕss
possession pos᷼sĕssion ? po̬s᷼sĕssio̬n
subtle sub̥tle ? sub̥tl̬e
subtlety sub̥tlety ? sub̥tl̬e̥ty
with with
without without
experiment (n.) expĕriment ? ẹxpĕri̬me̬nt [Hgr], [TL]
experiment (v.) expĕrime̯nt ? (e̯/ẹ)xpĕri̬me̯nt [Hgr], [TL]
experience expērience ? ẹxpērie̬nce
proper prŏper ? prŏpe͜r
properly prŏperly ? prŏpe͜rly
property prŏperty ? prŏpe͜rty
use (n.) us̩e [Hgr]
use (v.) (use/us̩e)¹ [Hgr]
usage us̩age ? (us̩ạge/usạge)
useful us̩eful ? us̩e̥fu̬l
useless us̩eless ? us̩e̥l(e̬/ẹ)ss


Didactic Singles [D‍S]

Note 1 | Note 2

D-less EwD L1 EwD L2 EwD L3 tag(s)
albeit al꞉be·it
bias bias̩ [IT]
another anôther [Ne]
company cômpany [Ne], [Bu]
compass cômpa̬ss [Ne]
component compōnent < compónent [IT]
composite {{ detbr }}{ co̬mpŏsi̯te / compo̬si̯te }">{ compŏsi̯te / composi̯te } { compŏsite / composi̯te } {GA/GB}
create creāte < cre̱ate
direct dirĕct < adj.: diréct, v.: direct
event evĕnt* < n.: evént, v.: event
everything ĕve̥ry·t‍̤hing ĕveryt‍̤hing everything [TL]
expertise expertïse [Bu]
flood flo᷍od
hockey hockey
hygiene {{ detbr }}( hȳgiene / hy̱giene )">hȳgiene* < hýgiene*
interest interest*
iron iro̥n
laboratory lăboratòry* / labŏratory* } < { laboratòry / labóratory } {GA/GB}, [TL]
language languạge language
locate loca̱te* / locāte* } < locate {GA/GB}
machine mac‍̩hïne
observe obse͡rve obsérve v.: observe, etc.: obsérve
pineapple pine·apple
pizza pïz‍̤za
process prŏcess* / proce̯ss } < prŏcess* / procèss } {GA/GB}
promise prŏmi̯s̩e < prŏmis̩e
queue qu̥eue̥ queue
rendezvous rendez̥vo̤us̥* {GA/GB}, [Eap](en=‹on›)
scarce scārce
sugar ṣügar
surface su͡rface {GA/GB}
survey su͡rvèy survèy
technique te̯c‍̤hnïque < tèc‍̤hnïque [Bu], [Sc]
temperature {{ detbr }}( tempe͜rḁtū͜re / tempe͜ra̬tū͜re / tempe̥ra̬tū͜re )">temperature*
ubiquitous u̱bĭquito͢us̩ ubĭquitous̩ ubíquitous̩
volcano vo̯lcāno < vòlcáno
were we͡re
worry { wo͡rry / wôrry } {GA/GB}

Very Common Words

Note 1 | Note 2


D-less EwD L1 EwD L2/L3 tag(s)
the the / the̱¹ the
of {{ detbr }}GA: o̬‹v›, o̬², ô‹v›<br>GB: o̬‹v›, o̬²">of {GA/GB}, [Eap](f=‹v›)
to to / to̤¹ to
and and*
a a
an an
was was
what what
for for
from from

¹ Usual before vowel sound.

² Usual before consonant sound.


D-less EwD L1 EwD L2/L3 tag(s)
the th(ê/ē)¹ th(ê/ē)¹
of {{ detbr }}{ ô‹v› / ŏ‹v› }">{ ôf / ŏf } {GA/GB}, [Eap](f=‹v›)
to tö
and ănd
an ăn
was wâs*
what whât*
for for
from from

¹ Both pronunciations are usual before vowel sound, but {thē} is more frequent.

Minimal Pairs [M‍P]

Note 1 | Note 2

D-less EwD tag(s)
service service ? se͡rvice
surface surface ? su͡rf{ạ/a̬}ce {GA/GB}
close (Et1) close [Hgr]{close}
close (Et2) clos̩e //
lose löse
loose lo͞os̩e
father fa̍ther ? fa̍the͜r [Hph_sp](father)
farther farther ? farthe͜r //
holy holy
wholely w̥holely ? w̥hole̥ly [AltS](wholly), [Ge]

Homophones [H‍ph]

Note 1 | Note 2

D-less EwD (v4) tag(s)
there thĕre
their their
they're they're
your yöur
you're yöu're
sun sun
son sôn
one ‹wun› ? one [Eap](one=‹wun›)
won wôn
our¹,² our ? str: our [Esp](our=‹ar›)
hour¹ h̥our
are² a̍re
air air
heir h̥eir
lone lone
loan loan
desert (Et1,Et3) dese͡rt ? dẹse͡rt [DC](desert)
dessert des᷼se͡rt ? dẹs᷼se͡rt //
father³ fa̍ther ? fa̍the͜r [Hph_sp]
farther³ farther ? farthe͜r //

¹ Only the stressed form of "our" is homophone with "hour".

² Only the unstressed form of "our" is homophone with "are".

³ These words are homophones only in non-rhotic accents (such as GB).

Homographs [H‍gr]

Diacritics are especially useful for homographs in order to create a distinction between them in writing, thus helping to differentiate them. In many cases, homograph groups consist of actually different words spelled the same way.

Note 1 | Note 2

D-less EwD tag(s)
read (pr.) read
read (p.) rĕad
close (Et1) close
close (Et2) clos̩e
bow (Et1) bōw
bow (Et2,Et3) bow
desert (Et2) dĕsert ? dĕse͜rt [DC](desert)
desert (Et1,Et3) dese͡rt ? dẹse͡rt //
collect (Et1) collĕct
collect (Et2) colle̯ct ? co̬llĕct
prayer (Et1) praye̥r
prayer (Et2) prayer ? praye͜r
quart (Et1) quaᷱrt ? q(u/u̥)aᷱrt
quart (Et2) qu̥a̍rt
beloved (Et1) belôvẹd ? bẹlôvẹd
beloved (Et2) belôve̥d ? bẹlôve̥d
address (n.) addrĕss ? a̬ddrĕss/ăddre̯ss
address (v.) addrĕss ? a̬ddrĕss
segment (n.) segment ? segme̬nt
segment (v.) segme̯nt ? ( segme̯nt / se̯gmĕnt )
progress (n.) prŏgre̯ss ? prŏgr(e̯/e̬)ss {GA/GB}
progress (v.) progrĕss ? pro̬grĕss
experiment (n.) expĕriment ? ẹxpĕri̬me̬nt [DC](experiment), [TL]
experiment (v.) e̯xpĕrime̯nt ? e̯xpĕri̬me̯nt [DC](experiment), [TL]
separate (etc.) sĕparạte ? sĕp(a̬/ḁ)rạte [TL]
separate (v.) sĕparate ? sĕpa̬rate [TL]

Alternative Spellings [A‍ltS]

Note 1 | Note 2

D-less EwD tag(s)
center center ? cente͜r [AS]
centre centre ? centr͜e [BS]
cliche clïchë
cliché¹ clïché //
naive naïve ? na̬ïve
naïve² naïve ? na̬ïve
wholly w̥hōlly ? w̥hōlˌly [Ge]
wholely w̥hole̥ly //
color cŏlor ? cŏlo͜r [AS]
colour cŏlo͜ur [BS]
endeavor endĕavor ? ẹndĕavor [AS]
endeavour endĕavo͜ur ? ẹndĕavo͜ur [BS]
favor favor ? favo͜r [AS]
favour favo͜ur [BS]
neighbor neighbor ? neighbo͜r [AS]
neighbour neighbo͜ur [BS]
dialog dialo̯g ? dia̬lo̯g [AS], [DC](dialog)
dialogue dialo̯gue ? dia̬lo̯gue [BS], //
catalog cătalo̯g ? căta̬lo̯g [AS]
catalog cătalo̯gue ? căta̬lo̯gue [BS]

¹ This acute is from standard spelling.

² This diaeresis is from standard spelling.

Neutralization [N‍e]

D-less EwD
another anôther ? a̬nôthe͜r

Trisyllabic Laxing [T‍L]

Note 1 | Note 2

D-less EwD L1 EwD L2 EwD L3 tag(s)
every ĕve̥ry* ĕvery every
animal ănimal < animal
family fămily < family
technology te̯c‍̤hnŏlogy < tèc‍̤hnólogy
general gĕneral* < general
represent rĕpresĕnt rĕpresĕnt v.: represent
energy ĕnergy < energy
probable prŏba̬ble prŏbable probable
natural nătural* < natural [TLP](nature)
experiment (n.) expĕriment < expériment [DC](experiment), [Hgr]
experiment (v.) e̯xpĕrime̯nt < èxpérimènt [DC](experiment), [Hgr]
melody mĕlo̬dy mĕlody melody
decimal dĕcima̬l < decimal
separate (etc.) sĕparạte* sĕparate separate [Hgr]
separate (v.) sĕparate < separate [Hgr]
element ĕlement < element
capital căpital < capital
operate ŏperate < operate
necessary {{ detbr }}{ nĕce̬ssàry / nĕce̬ss(a̬/ḁ)ry }">nĕcessary* < necessary {GA/GB}
colony cŏlony < colony
particular partĭcular < partícular
molecule mŏlecule < molecule
similar sĭmilar < similar
original orĭginal < oríginal
populate pŏpulate < populate
enemy ĕnemy < enemy

Trisyllabic Laxing Pairs [T‍LP]

Note 1 | Note 2

D-less EwD L1 EwD L2 EwD L3
eat eat eat eat
edible ĕdible* ĕdible edible
nation nation nation nation
national nătional nătional national
nature nature nature nature
natural nătural* nătural natural
prefer prefe͡r prefér prefer
preferance prĕferance < preferance
pronounce pronounce pronounce pronounce
pronunciation pronŭnciātion pronŭnciation pronùnciation

Trisyllabic Laxing Exceptions [T‍LE]

Note 1 | Note 2

D-less EwD L1 EwD L2 EwD L3 tag(s)
dopamine dōpami̤ne
dinosaur dīnos̩aur

Gemination [G‍e]

Note 1 | Note 2

D-less EwD tag(s)
goddamn god꞉dămn̥ / god·dămn̥  {interjection/intensifier}
solely sole̥ly
unknown un꞉knōwn
wholly w̥hōlly ? w̥hōlˌly [AltS](wholly)
wholely w̥hole̥ly //

Sciences [S‍c]

Note 1 | Note 2

D-less EwD L1 EwD L2 EwD L3 tag(s)
England Ėngland
English Ėnglish
experience expērience [DC]{experiment}, [TLE], [Sc]
experiment (n.) expĕriment < expériment [DC](experiment), [Hgr], [TL]
experiment (v.) e̯xpĕrime̯nt < èxpérimènt [DC](experiment), [Hgr], [TL]
medic mĕdic
medicine mĕdici̯ne < medici̯ne
Latin Lătin
serotonin sĕrotōnin < serotónin
strepsirrhine strepsirrhine* strepsirrhine

False Etymology [F‍E]

Note 1 | Note 2

D-less EwD
debt deb̥t
island īs̥land ? īs̥la̬nd
ghost ghōst
scissors scis᷼sors ? scis᷼so͜rs

Fun words

Note 1 | Note 2

D-less EwD L1 EwD L2 EwD L3 tag(s)
Edinburgh Ĕdinburgh* < Edinburgh* [Eap](gh=‹ə›)
Lapras Lăprạs̩
Leicester Lĕice̥ster
Southwark So᷍uthw̥a͜rk So᷍uthw̥ark
Thames¹ Th̥ämes
Thames² Thames
Worcestershire Worce̥stershi̤re* [Eap](or=‹o͝o›)

¹ Rivers in England and Canada, town in New Zealand.

² River in Connecticut.


Abbreviations and Symbols

element description
D‍-less Diacriticless spelling.
(This is how standard English spelling – which very rarely uses diacritics – is referred to in EwD didactics.)
EwD English with Diacritics
E‍wD L1 EwD Level 1 spelling
E‍wD L1+ EwD Level 1+ spelling
E‍wD L2 EwD Level 2 spelling
E‍wD L3 EwD Level 3 spelling
< Equal to the previous level.
[empty cell] Equal to the last non-empty cell to the left.
n. noun
adj. adjective
v. verb
pr. present
p. past
e‍tc. any other grammatical class
Et(n) Etymology n
// Same tag as the word above.


tag description
G‍A General American accent
G‍B General British accent
(aka Received Pronunciation – RP)
Et(n) Etymology n
[E‍ap] Exception, all pronunciations
[E‍sp] Exception, some pronunciations
[A‍ltS] Alternative Spellings
[A‍S] American spelling
[B‍S] British spelling
[D‍C] Didactic Combo
[D‍S] Didactic Single
[M‍P] Minimal Pair
[H‍ph] Homophones
[H‍phsp] Homophones only in specific pronunciation(s).
[H‍gr] Homographs
[N‍e] Neutralization
[T‍L] Trisyllabic Laxing
[T‍LP] Trisyllabic Laxing Pair
[T‍LE] Trisyllabic Laxing Exception
[G‍e] Gemination
[S‍c] Sciences
[F‍E] False Etymology