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Welcome to the EwD Project Documentation

Welcome to the official English with Diacritics (EwD) Project documentation. This platform serves as the central hub for all public documents related to the EwD initiative. Here, you'll find comprehensive resources, including instructional and demonstrative materials, designed to enhance English language learning through an innovative use of diacritics.

If you have any comments or suggestions regarding the content, please send an message to Your feedback is valuable to us.

* Includes a pronunciation guide and a short story using the EwD system. Two narration audios for the story can be accessed here.

Highlighted documents

Among the resources currently available in this documentation, three stand out for their relevance to the EwD Project:

  • Manifesto of EwD:

    The article details the mission, vision, and goals of the EwD Project. It explains the philosophy behind using diacritics in English language learning.

  • English Pronunciation Rules (according to EwD Didactics):

    This document presents all pronunciations rules of English as structured by the EwD didactics. It is the next recommend reading after completing the Pilot Survey. It outlines the speech patterns that learners should internalize in order to effectively speak and comprehend English.

  • EwD Corpus 3:

    This one provides a carefully selected collection of English words intended to exemplify the EwD system. It features several tables showing important or challeging words, minimal pairs, homophones, homographs, among other groups, with the aim of helping learners in assimilating the usual pronunciations and distinguishing similar–sounding or spelled words. The document is structured to support detailed phonetic analysis and educational use.

Pilot Survey

The EwD Pilot Survey is an ongoing effort to gather feedback on the effectiveness and usability of the EwD system. To participate, simply follow the instructions on the link provided. Your insights and suggestions are crucial for the continued development and refinement of the EwD project.

© 2024 English with Diacritics. All rights reserved to Danilo F. Maia.

This repository and all its content are protected by copyright. No part of this work may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  1. The complete EwD Guide is still under development, but we already published some of the core contents that will make it up.